Internship: Notre Dame University (apply by September 27, 2019)

Good afternoon! I hope all is well, and the school year is off to a good start. We are beginning the process of finding an intern in the area of Event Management for the 2020 Spring semester. Attached [linked above] is the position description, which includes instructions on how those interested can go about applying. Could you please pass this opportunity along to your students?
The application deadline is Friday, September 27th, and is available to any undergrad (junior or senior) or graduate students that fit the criteria. Students interested in completing their internship during the 2020 Fall semester may apply as well. The only thing we ask is they indicate this when submitting their materials.
This will once again be an unpaid position for academic credit only running run through the end of each semester
Please let me know if you have any questions.

Chad R. DeWeese
Event Management & Olympic Facility Program Director
Event Management, Notre Dame Athletics

cell: (317) 997-4714
office: (574) 631-5896